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FPBench meets for an hour, on Zoom, on the first Thursday of every month at 9am Pacific. You can submit a proposal to present.

Geometric predicates for unconditionally robust elastodynamics simulation
Daniele Panozzo, Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences in New York University
The numerical solution of partial differential equations (PDE) is ubiquitously used for physical simulation in scientific computing and engineering. Ideally, a PDE solver should be opaque: the user provides as input the domain boundary, boundary conditions, and the governing equations, and the code returns an evaluator that can compute the value of the solution at any point of the input domain. This is surprisingly far from being the case for all existing open-source or commercial software, despite the research efforts in this direction and the large academic and industrial interest. To a large extent, this is due to lack of robustness in geometric algorithms used to create the discretization, detect collisions, and evaluate element validity. I will present the incremental potential contact simulation paradigm, which provides strong robustness guarantees in simulation codes, ensuring, for the first time, validity of the trajectories accounting for floating point rounding errors over an entire elastodynamic simulation with contact. A core part of this approach is the use of a conservative line-search to check for collisions between geometric primitives and for ensuring validity of the deforming elements over linear trajectories. I will discuss both problems in depth, showing that SOTA approaches favor numerical efficiency but are unfortunately not robust to floating point rounding, leading to major failures in simulation. I will then present an alternative approach based on judiciously using rational and interval types to ensure provable correctness, while keeping a running time comparable with non-conservative methods. To conclude, I will discuss a set of applications enabled by this approach in microscopy and biomechanics, including traction force estimation on a live zebrafish and efficient modeling and simulation of fibrous materials.
Designing Type Systems for Rounding Error Analysis
Ariel Kellison, Cornell University
A central challenge in scientific computing is managing the tradeoff between accuracy and performance. Scientific applications often require high precision to produce meaningful results, but achieving this precision can reduce computational speed and efficiency. For example, using higher precision arithmetic can minimize rounding errors and improve the reliability of results, but it typically demands more processing power and memory, which negatively affects performance. As a result, scientific software developers must carefully balance the need for accuracy with the need for acceptable performance. In recent years, programming languages like Rust have demonstrated how carefully designed type systems can help developers write high-performance code while ensuring critical properties, such as memory safety. In this talk, we will present our work on designing type systems that provide guarantees about the accuracy of floating-point computations. By introducing types that can quantitatively represent the error bounds of floating-point computations, we can create statically typed programming languages that alert developers to potentially significant inaccuracies early in the development process.
12 speakers at the cutting edge of numerics research
On the precision loss in approximate homomorphic encryption
Rachel Player, Royal Holloway University of London
Since its introduction at Asiacrypt 2017, the CKKS approximate homomorphic encryption scheme has become one of the most widely used and implemented homomorphic encryption schemes. Due to the approximate nature of the scheme, application developers using CKKS must ensure that the evaluation output is within a tolerable error of the corresponding plaintext computation. Choosing appropriate parameters requires a good understanding of how the noise will grow through the computation. A strong understanding of the noise growth is also necessary to limit the performance impact of mitigations to the attacks on CKKS presented by Li and Micciancio (Eurocrypt 2021). In this work we present a comprehensive noise analysis of CKKS, that considers noise coming both from the encoding and homomorphic operations. Our main contribution is the first average-case analysis for CKKS noise, and we also introduce refinements to prior worst-case noise analyses. We develop noise heuristics both for the original CKKS scheme and the RNS variant presented at SAC 2018. We then evaluate these heuristics by comparing the predicted noise growth with experiments in the HEAAN and FullRNS-HEAAN libraries, and by comparing with a worst-case noise analysis as done in prior work. Our findings show mixed results: while our new analyses lead to heuristic estimates that more closely model the observed noise growth than prior approaches, the new heuristics sometimes slightly underestimate the observed noise growth. This evidences the need for implementation-specific noise analyses for CKKS, which recent work has shown to be effective for implementations of similar schemes. This is joint work with Anamaria Costache, Benjamin R. Curtis, Erin Hales, Sean Murphy, and Tabitha Ogilvie.
ReLU hull approximation
Zhongkui Ma, The University of Queensland
Neural networks have offered distinct advantages over traditional techniques. However, the opaque neural networks render their performance vulnerable, in the presence of adversarial samples. This underscores the imperative of formal verification of neural networks, especially in the safety-critical domain. Deep neural networks are composed of multiple hidden layers with neurons, where mathematical operations stack linear and nonlinear (activation functions) operations. Using linear inequalities plays a crucial role in constraining and deducing the ranges of results from nonlinear operations. Considering correlations among input variables of multiple neurons leads to constraints known as multi-neuron constraints, posing a non-trivial high-dimensional challenge in computing the convex hull of functions. This work is dedicated to designing methods for computing multi-neuron constraints for the ReLU function to serve the robustness verification of neural networks. We have introduced a novel approach WRALU (Wrapping ReLU) for computing the convex hull of a ReLU function (published in POPL’24). This method significantly reduces computation time and complexity, constructing fewer constraints to achieve more precise approximations while handling higher dimensions.
Rigorous error analysis for logarithmic number systems
Thanh Son Nguyen, University of Utah
Logarithmic Number Systems (LNS) hold considerable promise in helping reduce the number of bits needed to represent a high dynamic range of real-numbers with finite precision, and also efficiently support multiplication and division. However, under LNS, addition and subtraction turn into non-linear functions that must be approximated—typically using precomputed table-based functions. Additionally, multiple layers of error correction are typically needed to improve result accuracy. Unfortunately, previous efforts have not characterized the resulting error bound. We provide the first rigorous analysis of LNS, covering detailed techniques such as co-transformation that are crucial to implementing subtraction with reasonable accuracy. We provide theorems capturing the error due to table interpolations, the finite precision of pre-computed values in the tables, and the error introduced by fix-point multiplications involved in LNS implementations. We empirically validate our analysis using a Python implementation, showing that our analytical bounds are tight, and that our testing campaign generates inputs diverse-enough to almost match (but not exceed) the analytical bounds. We close with discussions on how to adapt our analysis to LNS systems with different bases and also discuss many pragmatic ramifications of our work in the broader arena of scientific computing and machine learning.
Low-bit quantization for efficient and accurate LLM serving
Chien-Yu Lin, University of Washington
The growing demand for Large Language Models (LLMs) in applications such as content generation, intelligent chatbots, and sentiment analysis poses considerable challenges for LLM service providers. To efficiently use GPU resources and boost throughput, batching multiple requests has emerged as a popular paradigm; to further speed up batching, LLM quantization techniques reduce memory consumption and increase computing capacity. However, prevalent quantization schemes (e.g., 8-bit weight-activation quantization) cannot fully leverage the capabilities of modern GPUs, such as 4-bit integer operators, resulting in sub-optimal performance. To maximize LLMs' serving throughput, we introduce Atom, a low-bit quantization method that achieves high throughput improvements with negligible accuracy loss. Atom significantly boosts serving throughput by using low-bit operators and considerably reduces memory consumption via low-bit quantization. It attains high accuracy by applying a novel mixed-precision and fine-grained quantization process. We evaluate Atom on 4-bit weight-activation quantization setups in the serving context. Atom improves end-to-end throughput by up to 7.73× compared to the FP16 and by 2.53× compared to INT8 quantization, while maintaining the same latency target.
Towards optimized multiplierless arithmetic circuits
Rémi Garcia, University of Rennes
Multiplication is a basic operator used in many applications. When implemented in embedded systems, e.g. FPGAs, these algorithms require highly optimized hardware. Improving the multiplication implementation is an important part of the final hardware cost reduction. This talk will expose the recent advances on the automatic design of multiplication of a variable with multiple a priori known constants, this problem is called the Multiple Constant Multiplication (MCM) problem. Using Integer Linear Programming (ILP) permits to significantly reduce the hardware cost when MCM is implemented using additions and bit-shifts. The ILP approach has been efficiently used for various hardware design problems but other approaches exists, such as SAT/SMT, Constraint Programming, etc. This presentation will introduce a few concepts relating to this ecosystem.
Application-specific arithmetic
Florent de Dinechin, INSA-Lyon/Inria; and Martin Kumm, Fulda University of Applied Sciences
A software designer has to carefully select the arithmetic that best suits each step of her application, but the choice is constrained: only a handful of operators are supported in hardware, in only in a handful of precisions. Conversely, when designing for hardware or FPGAs, these constraints become degrees of freedom. Any precision can be designed, any number encoding, but also any operation and function, provided you are clever enough to implement it efficiently as a circuit.
This talk will expose some of the opportunities offered by this freedom, and some of the methodologies and tools that allow a designer to build and compose application-specific operators. It may include some inadvertent advertising for our upcoming 800-page book dedicated to these topics.
Overview of numerics on the Java Platform
Joseph D. Darcy, Oracle
Come hear an overview of numeric support of the Java platform, an on-going story ranging over more than a quarter century and spanning standards, specifications, virtual machines, libraries, and compilers, including resolving details as small as 2^-1074. The talk does not assume audience members will already be familiar with the details of the Java platform; attendees are welcome to ask questions about such details.
Joe is a long-time member on the JDK engineering team, first at Sun and later Oracle. As “Java Floating-Point Czar” he has looked after Java numerics including contributing to the design of strictfp, adding numerous floating-point math library methods, and adding hexadecimal floating-point literals to the Java language and library. Joe was a participant in and interim editor of the 2008 revision to the IEEE 754 floating-point standard. Outside of numerics, Joe has done other foundational work on the Java platform including core libraries development, Java language changes including Project Coin, infrastructure improvements, and reviewing platform interface updates, together with a smattering of project management and release management along the way.
Custom elementary functions for hardware accelerators
Benjamin Carleton and Adrian Sampson, Cornell University
This talk is a work-in-progress report about our efforts to generate customized hardware implementations of fixed-point function approximations for application-specific accelerators. We built a new compiler from FPCore to Calyx, our lab’s IR and compiler for translating high-level descriptions to hardware designs. The interesting part is the need to generate efficient polynomial approximations for elementary functions—and the freedom to customize these implementations for the specific accelerator’s context. We have preliminary (but encouraging) comparisons to a commercial high-level synthesis (HLS) compiler. We will seek feedback on the many possibilities for next steps.
A PVS formalization of Taylor error expressions
Jonas Katona, Yale University
Due to the limits of finite precision arithmetic, as one works with floating-point representations of real numbers in computer programs, round-off errors tend to accumulate under mathematical operations and may become unacceptably large. Symbolic Taylor Error Expressions is a technique used in the tool FPTaylor to bound the round-off errors accumulated under differentiable mathematical operations which provides a good trade-off between efficiency and accuracy. In this presentation, I will present a formally verified implementation of Symbolic Taylor Error Expressions in a specification language, automated theorem prover, and typechecker called Prototype Verification System (PVS). I will also go over how this formal specification in PVS will enable the integration of Symbolic Taylor Expressions in PRECiSA, a prototype static analysis tool that can compute verified round-off error bounds for floating-point programs.
Automated reasoning over the reals
Soonho Kong, Amazon Web Services
In cyber-physical systems such as autonomous driving systems and robotics components, ordinary differential equations and nonlinear functions such as the exponential function and the trigonometric functions appear almost universally. To adopt automated reasoning techniques in these domains, it is necessary to develop a tool that can handle logical encodings with those functions. In this talk, I will present the design and implementation of a delta-decision procedure, dReal. First, we will discuss the theory of delta-decidability briefly. Then I will explain 1) how the tool handles nonlinear functions and ordinary differential equations, 2) how it can solve optimization and synthesis problems (∃∀-formulas), and 3) how the tool utilizes multiple cores to speed up the solving process in parallel. I will show that the tool helps tackle instances from real-world applications including bounded model-checking for cyber-physical systems, nonlinear global optimization, and Lyapunov-stability analysis in robotics.
12 speakers at the cutting edge of numerics research
Floating-point education roundtable
Mike Lam, James Madison University
Members of the FPBench community are well-aware of the pitfalls of floating-point representation, but awareness among the wider population of software authors is often painfully inadequate. There is a surprising dearth of quality educational materials and techniques for teaching these issues to students (both undergraduate and graduate). In this roundtable discussion, we’ll look at some of the current approaches and brainstorm possible approaches to improve the state of the art.
Floating-point accuracy anecdotes from real-world products
Shoaib Kamil, Adobe Research
Floating point issues must often be surmounted when building software products that rely on precise computations while still demanding performance. In this talk, I describe two scenarios where existing tools fall short. First, I will describe our efforts to utilize interval computation to better bound quantities representing real numbers, and the rabbit hole we encountered when trying to find an existing off-the-shelf cross-platform interval computation library. From this exploration, we built a cross-platform interval benchmark suite using hand-crafted expressions from real-world code and from FPBench, and evaluated four existing interval libraries for correctness, interval width, and speed. Second, I will describe our experiences using GPU floating point math to emulate integer computations, and the pitfalls even when computing with exactly-representable floating point numbers.
Formal and semi-formal verification of C numerics
Samuel D. Pollard and Ariel Kellison, Sandia National Laboratories
For better or worse, the world runs on C, and to a lesser extent, C with IEEE 754 floating point. At Sandia Labs, we often are tasked with the formal verification of high-consequence programs in C. Two methods we use at Sandia to accomplish this verification are: fully constructive proofs of correctness (in the Coq theorem prover), and deductive verification (using Frama-C). In both cases, the addition of numerical computations adds complexity to the programs, via numerical error (e.g., discretization or roundoff error), or run-time errors (such as floating-point exceptions). We discuss our efforts at Sandia Labs to both make numerical models of C programs using Frama-C and its ANSI C specification language (ACSL), as well as functional models in Coq, and how to check whether the relevant C code implements these specifications.
Automatically generating numerical PDE solvers with Finch
Eric Heisler, University of Utah

Finch is a domain-specific language for numerically solving differential equations. It employs a variety of numerical techniques, generates code for a number of different target frameworks and languages, and allows almost arbitrary equation input. In addition, it accepts unrestricted modification of the generated code to provide maximal flexibility and hand-optimization. One downside to this (perhaps excessive) flexibility is that numerical instability and the occasional typo can easily turn a solution into a pile of NaNs.

Eric will introduce Finch, and demonstrate some of the features relevant to the numerics. We will look at some examples where things turn out just the way we hoped, and some where they don't.

Low-precision FP8 formats: background and industry status
Marius Cornea, Intel
Marius Cornea, a senior principal engineer at Intel working on math libraries and floating-point (and one of the coauthors of the IEEE Standard 754-2008), will be presenting about new industry standards for low-precision formats. The presentation will examine the reasons for which FP8 formats have emerged, definition details, and variations proposed by industry and academia. We will enumerate a few known (mostly planned) implementations of FP8. We will also look at current standardization work for FP8 formats.
Correctness 2022 annual workshop
Workshop on HPC software correctness, co-located with SC
Function-Based volumetric design and fabrication
Chris Uchytil, Mechanical Engineering, University of Washington
We present a novel computer-aided design (CAD) modeling system designed to support a modeling range that matches the fabrication range of modern additive manufacturing (AM) systems that are capable of producing large-scale, high-resolution parts. To be useful to designers and fabricators, a modeling system must perform essential functions (such as execution of modeling operations, visualization, and slicing) at interactive rates, and achieving the necessary performance depends on efficient use of both memory and computing capacity. Our approach to achieving necessary performance levels is to implement an implicit function-based representation (f-rep) modeling system, not using a computer algebra system, but instead using just-in-time (JIT) compilation of user-defined functions. Efficient memory usage is achieved via a sparse volume data structure that builds on previous work by Hoetzlein [Hoetzlein 2016]. Computational efficiency is achieved through a combination of interval arithmetic (IA) and massively parallel evaluation on the GPU. We follow [Keeter 2020] and employ IA as the basis for local pruning of the function evaluation tree to minimize the required number of function evaluations, and we take advantage of GPU-parallelism to significantly enhance computational throughput.
Finding inputs that trigger GPU exceptions
Ignacio Laguna, Center for Applied Scientific Computing, LLNL
Testing code for floating-point exceptions is crucial as exceptions can quickly propagate and produce unreliable numerical answers. The state-of-the-art to test for floating-point exceptions in GPUs is quite limited and solutions require the application's source code, which precludes their use in accelerated libraries where the source is not publicly available. We present an approach to find inputs that trigger floating-point exceptions in black-box GPU functions, i.e., functions where the source code and information about input bounds are unavailable. Our approach is the first to use Bayesian optimization (BO) to identify such inputs and uses novel strategies to overcome the challenges that arise in applying BO to this problem. We implement our approach in the Xscope framework and demonstrate it on 58 functions from the CUDA Math Library and functions from ten HPC programs. Xscope is able to identify inputs that trigger exceptions in about 72% of the tested functions.
The community discussed the challenges of connecting various analysis tools
Database workbench: mixed-initiative design space search
Edward Misback, University of Washington
The Herbie web demo is intended as an accessible tool for making a rough guess at the best way to improve the accuracy of a floating-point expression. It aims to support students learning about floating point error, casual users who just want a high-accuracy replacement expression, and expert users who are comfortable interpreting its results. However, it is designed as a single-step tool and leaves little room for users to iterate or adapt it to numerical analysis tasks, even though its underlying functions have broader applications. We describe how an alternative “database workbench” interface will allow users to leverage Herbie’s power while exploring the design space of replacement expressions more flexibly, including support for the development of third-party expression analysis plugins. We would like to discuss with the FPBench community whether the workflow we describe is compatible with other numerical analysis tools and needs, either as plugins or as separate workbenches with a similar interface. Slides
11 speakers at the cutting edge of numerics research
Automatic datapath optimization using e-graphs
Samuel Coward, Intel & Imperial College London
RTL development is hampered by low design space exploration and long debug times. High Level Synthesis and ML techniques are not tackling the nature of optimization RTL teams are doing in complex Graphics type IP. This talk provides initial results on: automatically transforming RTL , exploring the design space, how Intel GFx knowhow is exploited, associated formal verification and how the foundation of the system is using the latest e-graph technology.
Choosing function implementations for speed and accuracy
Ian Briggs, Computer Science, University of Utah
Standard implementations of functions like sin and exp optimize for accuracy, not speed, because they are intended for general-purpose use. But just like many applications tolerate inaccuracy from cancellation, rounding error, and singularities, many applications could also tolerate less-accurate function implementations. This raises an intriguing possibility: speeding up numerical code by using different function implementations. Enter OpTuner, an automated tool for selecting the best implementation for each mathematical function call site. OpTuner uses error Taylor series and integer linear programming to compute optimal assignments of 297 function implementations to call sites and presents the user with a speed-accuracy Pareto curve. In a case study on the POV-Ray ray tracer, OpTuner speeds up a critical computation by 2.48×, leading to a whole program speedup of 1.09× with no change in the program output; human efforts result in slower code and lower-quality output. On a broader study of 36 standard benchmarks, OpTuner demonstrates speedups of 2.05× for negligible decreases in accuracy and up to 5.37× for error-tolerant applications.
CORE-MATH correctly rounded mathematical functions
Paul Zimmerman, INRIA
The mission of the CORE-MATH project is to provide off-the-shelf open-source mathematical functions with correct rounding that can be integrated into current mathematical libraries (GNU libc, Intel Math Library, AMD Libm, Newlib, OpenLibm, Musl, Apple Libm, llvm-libc, CUDA libm, ROCm). This presentation covers first results in single-precision (binary32). Slides
Formal verification of numerical Hamiltonian systems
Ariel Kellison, Cornell University
The community discussed training and teaching numerics in academia and industry
Automated discovery of invertibility conditions
Andrew Reynolds, University of Iowa
Satisfiability Modulo Theories (SMT) solvers have gained widespread popularity as reasoning engines in numerous formal methods applications, including in syntax-guided synthesis (SyGuS) applications. In this talk, we focus on an emerging class of applications for syntax-guided synthesis, namely, the use of a SyGuS solver to (partially) automate further development and improvements to the SMT solver itself. We describe several recent features in the SMT solver cvc5 that follow this paradigm. These include syntax-guided enumeration of rewrite rules, selection of test inputs, and discovery of solved forms for quantified constraints. For the latter, we describe how syntax-guided synthesis recently played a pivotal role in the development of a new algorithm for quantified bit-vector constraints based on invertibility conditions, and how this technique can be extended for similar algorithms that target quantified constraints in other theories, including the theory of floating points.
Workshop on software correctness for HPC applications, co-located with SC
The community discussed the challenge of porting numerical applications
Lazy exact real arithmetic using floating-point operations
Ryan McCleeary, Numerica
Exact real arithmetic systems can specify any amount of precision on the output of the computations. They are used in a wide variety of applications when a high degree of precision is necessary. Some of these applications include: differential equation solvers, linear equation solvers, large scale mathematical models, and SMT solvers. This talk describes a new exact real arithmetic system which uses lazy list of floating point numbers to represent the real numbers. It details algorithms for basic arithmetic computations on these structures and proves their correctness. This proposed system has the advantage of algorithms which can be supported by modern floating point hardware, while still being a lazy exact real arithmetic system
State of FPBench
The community discussed FPBench benchmarks, education, and outreach
In this meeting, the community discussed what the community might most productively focus on in the coming year. The discussion was lively and landed on three major thrusts: (1) categorizing benchmarks by domain and improving licensing, (2) developing "FP course modules" that instructors can easily incorporate into their courses, and (3) increasing industrial outreach to encourage FPCore adoption as a formal, vendor-neutral specification language.
19 speakers at the cutting edge of numerics research
Scaling error analysis to billions of FLOPs
Sam Pollard, Sandia National Laboratories
Sam Pollard shared his work on floating-point error analysis of kernels with many FLOPs (10^9 or more), by combining FPTaylor and analytical error bounds on inner products.
RLIBM-32: fast and correct 32-bit math libraries
Jay Lim, Rutgers University
RLIBM-32 provides a set of techniques to develop correctly rounded math libraries for 32-bit float and posit types. It enhances our RLibm approach that frames the problem of generating correctly rounded libraries as a linear programming problem in the context of 16-bit types to scale to 32-bit types. Specifically, this talk with detail new algorithms to (1) generate polynomials that produce correctly rounded outputs for all inputs using counterexample guided polynomial generation, (2) generate efficient piecewise polynomials with bit-pattern based domain splitting, and (3) deduce the amount of freedom available to produce correct results when range reduction involves multiple elementary functions. The resultant math library for the 32-bit float type is faster than state-of-the-art math libraries while producing the correct output for all inputs. We have also developed a set of correctly rounded elementary functions for 32-bit posits.
SHAMAN: evaluating numerical error for real C++ code
Nestor Demeure, University Paris Saclay
Shaman is a C++11 library that use operator overloading and a novel method to evaluate the numerical accuracy of an application. It has been designed to target high-performance simulations and, thus, we insured that it is not only accurate but also: is fast enough to be tested on very large simulations, is compatible with all of C++ mathematical functions, and is threadsafe and compatible with both OpenMP and MPI. In this talk, Nestor gave a live demo of Shaman's capabilities and discuss its novel design features.
POP: fast and efficient bit-level precision tuning
Dorra Ben Khalifa, Perpignan University
Dorra gave a great demo of POP, a tool from her thesis work on precision tuning. Summarizing from her abstract: POP establishes novel techniques for precision tuning. The main idea of our approach is based on semantic modeling of the propagation of the numerical errors throughout the program source. This yields a system of constraints whose minimal solution gives the best tuning of the program. Based on a static analysis approach, we formulate the problem of precision tuning with two different methods. The first method combines a forward and a backward error analysis which are two popular paradigms of error analysis. Next, our analysis is expressed as a set of linear constraints, made of propositional logic formulas and relations between integer elements only, checked by a SMT solver. The second method consists of generating an Integer Linear Problem (ILP) from the program. This is done by reasoning on the most significant bit and the number of significant bits of the values which are integer quantities. The integer solution to this problem, computed in polynomial time by a classical linear programming solver, gives the optimal data types at bit-level. A finer set of semantic equations is also proposed which does not reduce directly to an ILP problem. We use the policy iteration technique to find a solution. The POP tool implements both methods, and in this session Dorra demonstrateed it across several benchmarks coming from various application domains such as embedded systems, Internet of Things (IoT), physics, etc.
Keeping science on keel when software moves
Allison Baker, National Center for Atmospheric Research

Allison lead a great discussion of her recent CACM article Keeping Science on Keel When Software Moves.

High performance computing (HPC) is central to solving large problems in science and engineering through the deployment of massive amounts of computational power. The development of important pieces of HPC software spans years or even decades, involving dozens of computer and domain scientists. During this period, the core functionality of the software is made more efficient, new features are added, and the software is ported across multiple platforms. Porting of software in general involves the change of compilers, optimization levels, arithmetic libraries, and many other aspects that determine the machine instructions that actually get executed. Unfortunately, such changes do affect the computed results to a significant (and often worrisome) extent. In a majority of cases, there are not easily definable a priori answers one can check against. A programmer ends up comparing the new answer against a trusted baseline previously established or checks for indirect confirmations such as whether physical properties such as energy are conserved. However, such non-systematic efforts might miss underlying issues, and the code may keep misbehaving until these are fixed.

In this session, Allison presented real-world evidence to show that ignoring numerical result changes can lead to misleading scientific conclusions. She presented techniques and tools that can help computational scientists understand and analyze compiler effects on their scientific code. These techniques are applicable across a wide range of examples to narrow down the root-causes to single files, functions within files, and even computational expressions that affect specific variables. The developer may then rewrite the code selectively and/or suppress the application of certain optimizations to regain more predictable behavior.

Community Demos
Tanmay Tirpankar, University of Utah; and Mike Lam, James Madison University

Tanmay Tirpankar https://github.com/arnabd88/Satire

Mike Lam https://github.com/crafthpc/floatsmith

Rival: an interval arithmetic for robust error estimation
Oliver Flatt, University of Utah

Interval arithmetic is a simple way to compute a mathematical expression to an arbitrary accuracy, widely used for verifying floating-point computations. Yet this simplicity belies challenges. Some inputs violate preconditions or cause domain errors. Others cause the algorithm to enter an infinite loop and fail to compute a ground truth. Plus, finding valid inputs is itself a challenge when invalid and unsamplable points make up the vast majority of the input space. These issues can make interval arithmetic brittle and temperamental.

Rival introduces three extensions to interval arithmetic to address these challenges. Error intervals express rich notions of input validity and indicate whether all or some points in an interval violate implicit or explicit preconditions. Movability flags detect futile recomputations and prevent timeouts by indicating whether a higher-precision recomputation will yield a more accurate result. And input search restricts sampling to valid, samplable points, so they are easier to find. We compare these extensions to the state-of-the-art technical computing software Mathematica, and demonstrate that our extensions are able to resolve 60.3% more challenging inputs, return 10.2× fewer completely indeterminate results, and avoid 64 cases of fatal error.

FPY: the future of FPCore
Bill Zorn, University of Washington
FPY is a new language for specifying benchmarks that is meant to be easier to write for larger programs while retaining compatibility with existing FPCore-based tools. FPY repackages the precise semantics of FPCore under more familiar and convenient Python-like syntax. This talk will discuss the prototype design and highlight new conveniences FPY affords over FPCore. Slides
Workshop on using software synthesis for next-generation scientific software
15 speakers at the cutting edge of numerics research
A tutorial run at LANL
A tutorial co-located with SC'19
A tutorial co-located with PEARC'19